Monday, November 26, 2007

Farewell Dave de Eyre -

I am very sad to pass along news of the passing of BIA member, Dave de Eyre who suffered a fatal heart attack on Tuesday, November 20th.

Dave was a very active community leader, the owner of Clifts Marine Sales and a member of the Southside Shuffle Blues and Jazz Festival Board of Directors. Dave was also a past Chairman of the BIA Board of Directors. He loved Port Credit and he made a difference.

As a BIA Chairman he made contributions too numerous to mention in this post but I can tell you that he has been credited in helping the Shuffle rise "to the next level" as a premier International event. While on the BIA board he was instrumental in having changes made to City policies with respect to parking issues and he helped initiate conversations with the Federal Government which will result in the relocation of the Post Office within the next two years.

His visitation and funeral this past weekend made me think of what a dignitary’s would be like. There was a line up to get into Skinner & Middlebrook Funeral Home Friday for the visitations and the First United Church was full to overflowing with folks standing in the aisles. The outburst of condolences from the community was overwhelming to his wonderful family.

Dave is survived by his beautiful wife, Maria and 3 incredibly talented sons, Michael, the musician; Christopher, the humanitarian and Steven, the law student. When the boys spoke at the funeral, there wasn’t a dry eye in the Church.

Dave loved to have fun and the family observed his wishes “to throw a great party” at the Mississauga Golf Club after the service. We stood shoulder to shoulder and reminisced about our friend, gone way to soon. He will be sorely missed.

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Two Feet and a Heart Beat

I am diligently trying to walk to work since I can almost see the Lighthouse from where I lay my head down at night. You know with environmental and health benefits it is the right thing to do. Sometimes with errands to run and deliveries to make this is impossible but I’m trying.

Recently I learned that we humans need stimulation every 4 seconds or we get bored. Fortunately, a walk around the village offers that 4-second stimulation and then some. Tomorrow I will bring along the camera and share the stimuli.

We are very fortunate if we live in Port Credit and enjoy walking. Check out to find out why.

P.S. I will blog more, I will blog more, I will blog more!