Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Back from Niagara Falls

Well, I've been away the last two days participating in the Ontario Business Improvement Area Association board meeting. I met with BIA staff and business owners from across the province in Niagara Falls. Represented were BIA's including Ottawa, Chatham, Niagara Falls, Hamilton, St. Catharines, North Bay, Oakville, Toronto, Collingwood and of course Port Credit.

We were well taken care of by the Niagara BIA's and given a tour of the town including a trip up the Skylon to view the City at night, fantastic accomodation at the Fallsview Hilton and great food. Dinner on our own was at Wolfgang Puck's restaurant (almost as good as Port Credit's restaurants) and I even won $11.00 at the Fallsview Casino.

It was a great opportunity to share ideas with my counterparts across the province, and as always, do a little comparing of notes. One of the areas up for discussion was the lack of clear statistics about how much a BIA impacts the neighbourhood property values. I think in the case of Port Credit, the streetscape and improvements, along with the sense of community created by the events and happenings have definitely factored into the high property values both residentially and commercially. Hopefully our residents who benefit will support their local merchants. I always say no one wants their yard backing onto a big box store but everyone wants to live in the village. Think globally, shop locally!

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