Monday, February 5, 2007

February Business Development Breakfast

We probably had our largest group ever out at the February BDB. Vic Rempel of the site shared statistics and reasons why businesses today have to look into internet advertising in addition to what they are already doing.

  • 17 million Canadians are connected to the Internet and they go online for an average of 2 hours per day.
  • 80 million searches are conducted ech day in and effort to find local businesses, products and services.
  • People are turning to the internet before the yellow pages for business referrals.
  • Search engine marketing is expected to grow from $1.6 billion in 2003 to $8 billion in 2008.

Vic recommended using local search engines for better exposure. He also recommended a free internet seminar on March 3rd - info can be found at

We are planning to follow up the "Tapping into Technology" theme at the March BDB where Scott Kendall, Technology Coach will be speaking.

The BDB's are held the first Thursday of each month, 8am at the Brogue Inn. Do join us. $5.00 at the door - all are welcome.

1 comment:

Jesse C. said...

Ellen, thanks for this post and congrats on your great blog! Feel free to check out mine if you get a chance (and be sure to leave a comment and subscribe to the rss feed...)

This sounds like a great meeting - hope to see you there. I'm not sure if you know that my company MOXY Webworks - which now has an office in Port Credit - specializes in new media, SEO and web develoment. I'll tell you more about it the next time I see you in person!


Jesse C.